Advance Regional Development Models


Advance Regional Development Models

In this defining product of Pullapproach, we provide everything necessary to launch an economically and socially profitable business in your region.


e use the relationships established between our databases and pull together the wealth of information from all of our platforms to create an exhaustive road-map with detailed guidance on how to immediately implement and scale each initiative. First, we collaboratively analyze development needs and opportunities in your region, parsing detailed information about socio-economic, environmental, legal and other development barriers. Then, using relational models and multivariate analysis, we identify proven business models from around the world that have overcome the challenges specific to your region, and match them to your impact and development goals. We source these initiatives from our initial database of more than 10,000 profitable and impactful business models and filter according to your budget, impact, and timing constraints. We believe in actionable analysis, so we embed action plans into each of our models so that you can immediately materialize these profitable business plans. These models go beyond telling what types of business models have a high probability of success in your region; they delineate exactly which steps need to be taken in order to create them now.